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The Sun Garden, Firelight and Spark of Nature Series Exhibits

Robert Kent Gallery

145 Church St., Suite 100 Marietta, GA  770. 630. 7193

What is Cyanotype?

The Sun Garden, Firelight, and Spark of Nature series were created using an alternative printing process called Cyanotype or sometimes referred to as Sun Prints. I begin a new piece by walking through my beautiful gardens and collecting plants, flowers, and leaves that I find interesting to use, being mindful of forms, sizes, and opacity of each piece.

Indoors, away from UV light, I prepare my paper substrate, coating it with a solution of ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide which are sensitive to light. I then create my composition by designing and adding layers of plants on the treated paper, often adding other ingredients or solutions, and then covering it with glass. The piece is then exposed to the sun for three or more hours. It is a fragile process where I surrender control and allow the sun to help create the unique, beautiful images and surprising colors that develop. The final print finally emerges and is developed by running it under water. Cyanotypes have taught me the art of letting go and trusting the sun!

The Cyanotype technique itself was invented in 1842 by English astronomer and experimental photographer John Herschel, who first used this process to create architectural drawings and blueprints. The name Cyanotype was derived from the Greek name cyan, meaning “dark-blue impression.”

I offer my works as original encaustic beeswax paintings on 2" deep birchwood board, or customized to various sizes ,or printed on acrylic or metal.   


Encaustic/ Mixed Media Artist




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